Enrich Your Knowledge Resources Education is the key to sound-decision making. As part of Kluis Commodity Advisors’ dedication to client service and education, we continue to provide a growing number of resources for clients. Kluis NOW VIEW Quotes & Charts VIEW Managed Futures FAQs VIEW Kluis U VIEW FAQs VIEW Resource Guides & Brochures CME Group Resources Self-Study Guide to Hedging with Grain and Oilseed Futures and Options Dairy Futures and Options Grain and Oilseed Futures and Options Lean Hog Futures and Options An Introduction to Cattle Feeding Spreads Livestock Futures and Options The Exercise and Assignment Process A Trader’s Guide to Futures National Futures Association Resources An Educational Guide to Trading Futures and Options on Futures Interactive Learning Courses CME Institute Course Catalog Introduction to Grains and Oilseeds Course Introduction to Futures Course Introduction to Options Course Introduction to Crude Oil Course Introduction to Precious Metals Course